81st Street and Ridge Boulevard Website: www.smaoc.org
Brooklyn, NY 11209 Church Office: (718) 238-8008
Email: churchsecretary@smaoc.org Rectory: (718) 745-8481
His Eminence Metropolitan SABA
Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America
Very Rev. Fr. Michael Ellias, Pastor Rev. Deacon Farid Farkouh
Email: pastor@smaoc.org farkouhfarid@gmail.com
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Beginning of the Indiction: Ecclesiastical New Year
Tone 1 and Eothinon 10
Righteous Simeon the Stylite and Synaxis of the Theotokos at Miasinae
Today’s Hymns and Readings
Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 1
The stone being sealed by the Jews, and thy pure body being guarded by the soldiers, thou didst rise on the third day, O Saviour, granting life to the world. Wherefore, the heavenly powers acclaimed thee, O Giver of life, crying, glory to thy Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to thy kingdom! Glory to thy gracious providence, O thou only Lover of mankind.
Apolytikion of the Indiction – Tone 2
O Thou Creator of the whole universe, who didst appoint times by thine own power, bless the crown of this year with thy goodness, O Lord. Preserve in safety thy kings and thy city, by the intercessions of the Theotokos, and save us.
Apolytikion of the Synaxis of the Theotokos – Tone 7
Rejoice, thou who art full of grace, O Virgin Theotokos, haven and protection of the race of man; for the Redeemer of the world became incarnate of thee; for thou alone art both mother and virgin, ever blessed and glorified. Intercede with Christ God that peace be granted unto all the world.
Apolytikion of the Righteous Simeon the Stylite – Tone 1
For patience thou hast become a pillar, and the ancient fathers thou has equaled and rivaled. Thou has rivaled Job in sufferings, Joseph in temptations, and the life of the incorporeals, while yet thou wast in the flesh. Therefore, O our righteous Father Simeon, intercede with Christ God to save our souls.
Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4
Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe. For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.
Kontakion for the Indiction – Tone 4
O God of all, verily transcendent in essence, Creator of the ages and their Master, bless the cycle of this year, saving by thy boundless mercy, O compassionate One, all those who worship only thee, O Master, and who cry unto thee in fear, saying, Grant to all, O Saviour, a fertile year.
Epistle – I Timothy 2:1-7 (The Indiction)
Prokeimenon. Psalms 146:5 and 134:3. Great is our Lord, and great is His strength.
Verse. Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is good!
MY CHILD TIMOTHY, I exhort, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings, be made for all people, for kings and for everyone who holds a high office, that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and solemnity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who would have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For God is One, and the Only mediator between God and men is the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in its own season, for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie), a teacher of the nations in faith and truth.
Gospel – Luke 4:16-22 (The Indiction)
AT THAT TIME, Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to the synagogue, as his custom was, on the sabbath day. And he stood up to read; and there was given to him the book of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus opened the book and found the place where it was written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has appointed me to preach good news to the poor and to heal the broken hearted. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” And Jesus closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, “Today, this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” And all spoke well of him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.
Next week’s homework: Galatians 6:11-18 (Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross)
John 3:13-17 (Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross)
POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving. Please reverently hear these prayers before beginning to “chat.”
PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.
Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.
We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today. Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome to receive the blessing and partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal. Please introduce yourself to our pastor during the coffee hour and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.
TODAY, SEPTEMBER 1 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Raphael Arida, Helen Allison, Khouryee Alice Kerbaway Dalack, Linda S. Fauty, Dr. Antoine Fernaine, Irene Karkenny, Judith Kassatly, Baheeya Jabara, William Nafesh, Hanna Nehme, Watfa Richeh and Oscar Salloum. Memory eternal!
May Fernaine offers Prayers of Oblation for the repose of the soul of her beloved husband, the servant of God Dr. Antoine Fernaine. Memory eternal!
NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Gloria Dirbas, Olga Lewis, Louise M. Martin, and Mary Zagby. Memory eternal!
HOLY BREAD – Linda and George Salamy have made a donation for the entire year. Many years! Roland Salloum and Wanda Salloum sponsor the Holy Bread for the month of September for the repose of the souls of Wadih Salloum and all their departed family members. Memory eternal! Additional donors are welcome for September and succeeding months. We ask for a donation of $50/week.
FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Diana Finger (Meadowbrook, Freeport), Sean McCrossan (St. Barnabas, Livingston), Rouda Abboud, Yvonne Allawh, Patti DeLuca, Anita Eyd, Alice Farkouh, George Khoury, Joseph Khouri, Denise McBride, Alfred Nahas, Wade Saadi, Howard Samara, Victoria Sleyman, and Rose Zrake (at home).
FASTING DISCIPLINE FOR SEPTEMBER – We observe the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil, and their by-products) on Wednesdays and Fridays.
GREAT VESPERS – We will resume the celebration of Great Vespers on Saturdays at 5 PM beginning Saturday, September 7, in anticipation of the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos.
NATIVITY OF THE THEOTOKOS – Next Sunday, September 8, we will celebrate the patronal feast of our church. Depending on the weather there will be a modified picnic either inside or outside after the Divine Liturgy with shawarma and sojok sandwiches with fries for sale. Please see Leen Zgheib or Sam Malouf for more information.
ON-LINE CHANT CLASS – The Archdiocese’s new Antiochian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Online Music School will offer virtual classes for Byzantine chant and choral singing for church musicians, new or experienced, starting the week of September 9. The school will also offer a course on the Typicon and how to arrange the divine services. Registration begins August 18.
SPECIAL ADULT EDUCATION CLASS – During September we will offer a 3-week class as an introduction to the Orthodox Church for the non-Orthodox spouses of Orthodox parishioners. No commitment to join the Church is required. Anyone who is interested should let Fr. Michael know at pastor@smaoc.org. We are planning one-hour sessions on Wednesdays September 11, 18, and 25. Please also let Father know if participants would prefer to meet in person or on-line. Orthodox spouses are also welcome!
CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION – Church School Superintendent Lorraine Deeb has posted a registration form on the bulletin board, and she has placed additional forms at the bengari. Classes for students 4-19 will resume on Sunday, September 15, following the procession with the Holy Cross.
SAINTS AND SINNERS GOLF AND TENNIS OUTING – The next edition of the Saints and Sinners Golf and Tennis Outing will take place on Monday, September 30, at the Hempstead Country Club. Please see the insert in this bulletin for journal and sponsorship opportunities, pick up a form at the bengari, or go to saintsandsinnersgolfclassic.com. The Journal deadline is September 9. Please see Daria Mayrose for more information. Everyone should do something!
ESTATE PLANNING – Happy Church New Year! Let’s all make a resolution to include St. Mary’s Church in our wills and estate plans this year.
Friday, September 6 Family Night, 7-9 PM
Saturday, September 7 Great Vespers, 5 PM
Sunday, September 8 Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos
Monday, September 9 Parish Council, 7 PM
Wednesday, September 11 “Our Time” Senior Fellowship, 1-3 PM
Orthodoxy for the Non-Orthodox Spouse, 7 PM
Friday, September 13 Great Vespers @ Holy Cross G.O. Church, 7 PM
Saturday, September 21 Fall Hafli
Monday, September 30 Saints and Sinners Golf and Tennis Outing
All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.
FROM THE FATHERS – “There are different ways of reacting to bad thoughts, and of freeding our mind from every passionate or blasphemous thought. The first way, recommended by the Fathers of the Church, is repentance. The second way is to deflect our attention and turn our being to something else. When our concentration on this something else intensifieds, the enemy loses interested in us and abandons us.”
- Archimandrite Sophrony of Essex
A Parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America