81st Street and Ridge Boulevard Website: www.smaoc.org
Brooklyn, NY 11209 Church Office: (718) 238-8008
Email: churchsecretary@smaoc.org Rectory: (718) 745-8481
His Eminence Metropolitan SABA
Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of all North America
Very Rev. Fr. Michael Ellias, Pastor Rev. Deacon Farid Farkouh
Email: pastor@smaoc.org farkouhfarid@gmail.com
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Tone 6 and Eothinon 4
Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
Today’s Hymns and Readings
Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 6
When Mary stood at thy grave looking for thy sacred body, angelic powers shone above thy revered tomb, and the soldiers who were to keep guard became as dead men. Thou led hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world; O thou that art risen from the dead! O Lord, glory to thee.
Apolytikion of St. Thomas – Tone 3
O holy Apostle Thomas, intercede with our merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.
Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4
Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe. For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.
Kontakion of the Theotokos – Tone 2
O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the mediatrix unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, with assistance; for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honour thee.
Epistle – II Corinthians 4:6-15 (Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
Prokeimenon. Psalm 27.9, 1. O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.
Verse. To you, O Lord, have I cried, O my God.
BRETHREN, it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.
Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we too believed, and so we speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
Gospel – Luke 7:11-16 (Third Sunday of Luke)
AT THAT TIME, Jesus went to a city called Na’in, and many of his disciples and a great crowd went with him. As he drew near to the gate of the city, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and a large crowd from the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” And he came and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” And the dead man sat up, and began to speak. And Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized them all; and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!”
Next week’s homework: Titus 3:8-15 (Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council)
Luke 8:5-15 (Fourth Sunday of Luke)
HOLY BREAD – Linda and George Salamy have made a donation for the entire year. Many years! Additional donors are welcome for October and succeeding months. We ask for a donation of $50/week.
POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving. Please reverently hear these prayers before beginning to “chat.”
FASTING DISCIPLINE FOR OCTOBER – We observe the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil, and their by-products) on Wednesdays and Fridays.
PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.
Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.
Today we are blessed to welcome V. Rev. Fr. Bogdan Bucur, Professor of Patristics at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary to preside at the divine services in Fr. Michael’s absence.
TODAY, OCTOBER 6 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Zahaya Dahab, Ghassan Fattouh, Dorothy Howie, Bernice Wardi Lufty, Rose Rowady, Edmund Shawah. Memory eternal!
NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Edward Arida, Selma Assatly, Doris Farkouh Creidy, Angel Folsey, Janet M. Gehshan, John G. Golam, Anne, Samia, Fareed, Hazel, and George Khoury, Margaret Mackoul, Helen Orfaly, Beder and Sadallah Sabbagh, Virgina M. and George A. Sahadi, Edith and Mitchell A. Tadross, and Michael Zarouni. Memory eternal!
FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Diana Finger (Meadowbrook, Freeport), Rouda Abboud, Isla Albishara, Yvonne Allawh, Patti DeLuca, Anita Eyd, Alice Farkouh, George Khoury, Joseph Khouri, Denise McBride, Alfred Nahas, Wade Saadi, Victoria Sleyman, and Rose Zrake (at home).
COFFEE HOUR – In the absence of a sponsor for today’s Coffee Hour, the Parish Council will place a basket on the table for our free will offerings.
OUR TIME – Our Adult Fellowship, “Our Time,” will meet on Wednesdays, October 9 and 23, from1 to 3 PM. Everyone is welcome, and feel free to bring your friends and neighbors.
SAINTS AND SINNERS GOLF AND TENNIS OUTING – Thanks be to God, we enjoyed another highly successful Saints and Sinners Robert E. Mackoul Memorial Golf and Tennis Outing at beautiful Hempstead Golf and Country Club last Monday. We extend our thanks and congratulations to the Executive Committee – Ed Mackoul, Rob Mackoul, and Daria Mayrose) and to all the workers and volunteers who made the day so enjoyable and profitable. Although final figures are not yet available, we can safely say that this year’s event was one of the most successful in the outing history!
FALL BIBLE STUDY – We will begin our “fall term” on Wednesday, October 16, at 7 PM. We will begin our study of the Gospel of Luke and Book of Acts of the Apostles. Watch this space to learn if the class will be in person, online, or both. We will use the Orthodox Study Bible which is available from our parish bookstore. Please see Lorraine Deeb to obtain a copy.
FALL HOUSE BLESSINGS – Several families have requested to have their homes blessed in the Fall. If interested, please email Fr. Michael at pastor@smaoc.org, or call the church office.
THEOLOGICAL OFFERING – Our October pledge envelopes included a green envelope marked “Theological Offering.” This account is one of the three mandatory “trays” we collect each year for the Antiochian Archdiocese and supports our seminaries in North America. Our minimum contribution as a parish is $500. Our faithful can either drop their envelope in the collection tray on Sundays or return it to the church office. If you are not receiving pledge envelopes, please inform the church office so that we can add you to our list of supporters. Thank you for your generous support of our seminaries.
GRANDMA’S LOVE – This Friday, October 11, Grandma’s Love will sponsor their annual Radio Bingo Night here in our church hall. Please call (347) 432-2408 for reservations or more information.
LADIES OF ST. MARY’S – The Ladies of St. Mary’s will hold their first meeting of the fall on Sunday, October 20, following the Divine Liturgy. All the women of the parish are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please see President Sandra Arida for more information.
ON-LINE GIVING – St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online. Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or checking account. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.
ESTATE PLANNING – Why should I include St. Mary’s Church in my will or estate plan? In order to assure that my children and grandchildren will have a place to worship God, to baptize their children, to get married, to bury their dead, and to share the fellowship of fellow Christians – no matter what economic conditions there may be in the future!
We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today. Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome to receive the blessing and partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal. Please introduce yourself to our pastor during the coffee hour and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.
Wednesday, October 9 “Our Time” Adult Fellowship, 1-3 PM
Friday, October 11 Grandma’s Love Radio Bingo
Saturday, October 12 Great Vespers, 5 PM
Friday, October 18 Midnight Run
Saturday, October 19 Bay Ridge Cares Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, October 20 Ladies of St. Mary’s Meeting
Monday, October 21 Parish Council, 7 PM
All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.
FROM THE FATHERS – It is written: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord” shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My father’ (Matthew 7:21). The will of the Father is indicated in the words, ‘You who love the Lord, hate evil’ (Psalm 97:10). Hence we should both pray the Prayer of Jesus Christ and hate our evil thoughts. In this way we do God’s will.
- St. Hesycius the Priest