Bulletin for Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday before the Theophany of Christ

Tone 3 and Eothinon 6

Repose of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 3

 Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad; for the Lord hath done a mighty act with his own arm.  He hath trampled down death and become the First-born from the dead.  He hath delivered us from the depth of hades, granting the world the Great Mercy.

 Apolytikion of the Sunday before Epiphany – Tone 4

 Make ready, O Zebulon, and prepare, O Nephtali, and thou, River Jordan, cease thy flow and receive with joy the Master coming to be baptized.  And thou, Adam, rejoice with the first mother and hide not yourselves as ye did of old in paradise; for having seen you naked, he appeared to clothe you with the first robe.  Yea, Christ hath appeared desiring to renew the whole creation.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion for the Sunday before Epiphany – Tone 4

 Today hath the Lord appeared in the courses of the Jordan, crying to John and saying, Be not dismayed at my baptism; for I have verily come to save Adam the first to be created.

Epistle – II Timothy 4:5-8 (Sunday before Epiphany)

 Prokeimenon.  O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.

Verse.  To you, O Lord, have I cried, O my God.

             TIMOTHY, my son, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

            For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

 Gospel – St. Mark 1:1-8 (Sunday before Epiphany)

             THE BEGINNING of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

            As it is written in the prophets, “Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness:  Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”

            John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  And there went out to him all the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.  Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey.  And he preached, saying, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.  I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

 Next week’s homework:          Ephesians 4:7-13 (Sunday after Theophany)

                                                Matthew 4:12-17 (Sunday after Theophany)

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 HOLY BREADDr. Bassam and Naziha Aldaia offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the health of their family for the month of January.  Many years!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!  Additional donors are welcome for January and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COVID POLICY – Given the recent proliferation of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, we ask all worshippers, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, to continue wearing their masks in church except when approaching to receive Holy Communion.  We ask everyone to observe the blue tape on the pews so that we can maintain appropriate social distancing.  Household units may continue to sit together.  We are also delaying the start of Church School at least until Sunday, January 16, out of an abundance of caution.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, JANUARY 2 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Fred Arida, Dr. Hickmet Arida, Economous Faried Farkouh, Khouria Wassila Farkouh, Anna Habib, Gabriel Hamatie, Mary Hamwi, Olga Kalaf, Robert Malouf, Madeleine Malouf, Rose Merhige, Sally Renieri, Ronald Sadaka, Melia Saydah, Edward Saydah, Edward Shoucaire, Anne Marie Smatt, Demetri Zayat, and Nazli N. Zayat.  Memory eternal!

 Deacon Farid and Aline Farkouh offer Prayers of Oblation and the Holy Bread for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Archpriest Faried and Khouria Wassila Farkouh.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Eli T. Abdallah, Juad Arida, Pearl Arida, Samia Arida, Adele Azeez, Nora and Kalel Ballan, Mary Fadool, Ameenie Freije, Edward Ghazal, Emily Ghazal, Pauline Haddad, James Hamod, Maria Hindelly, Tofeek Kaidy, Leila M. Khouri, George John Nahas, Edma Saab, Madeleine H. Salamy, Alberta Samaha, Alexander Trabolsi, Nora Trefz, and Emil Tweel.  Memory eternal!

 The Family of Claire Banat will offer Prayers of Oblation and a 40-Day Memorial for the repose of her soul.  Memory eternal!

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Alex Araman, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Gary Gangone, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Robert Sabbagh, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 FEAST OF THEOPHANY – Metropolitan JOSEPH will preside at Festal Matins at 6:00 PM and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 7:00 PM for the Feast of Theophany on Wednesday, January 5.  He will also celebrate the Great Sanctification of Water that evening, and we will begin blessing homes immediately thereafter.  Fr. Thomas Zain and the faithful of St. Nicholas Cathedral will join us on Wednesday evening.

 FASTING DISCIPLINE FOR JANUARY – There is no fasting until January 4.  The traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, olive oil or their byproducts) is observed on Thursday, January 5, in preparation for Theophany, and on all Wednesdays and Fridays in January.

COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask at all times except when actively eating at your seat.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee, and individually wrapped bagels will be available.  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children under five years old can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Children 5 to 11 years old are now expected to be vaccinated in order to attend Coffee Hour.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 ANTIOCHIAN VILLAGE SUMMER CAMP - Registration Opens January 8.  Check out AV's website for more details about this year's summer camp - https://avcamp.org/programs/summer-camp/.  In addition to traditional summer camp, AV offers Byzantine Chant Camp, Iconography Camp, and Arch Week, a new program designed specifically for graduating High School seniors to deepen and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and equips them with resources to live as Orthodox Christian young adults.

 WINTER COAT DRIVE – The Teen SOYO Winter Coat Drive will continue through February.  Coats, scarves, gloves, blankets, and other cold weather attire are welcome.  Please place your offerings on the table in the vestibule.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.


             Wednesday, January 5              Metropolitan JOSEPH presides at the Divine services

Festal Matins, 6 PM & Divine Liturgy to follow with the

Great Sanctification of Water

            Thursday, January 6                  Holy Theophany

            Monday, January 10                  Parish Council, 7:30 PM

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “Only the good deed done for Christ’s sake brings us the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  All that is not done for Christ’s sake, even though it be good, brings neither reward in the future life nor the grace of God in this life.  That is why our Lord Jesus Christ said, ‘He who gathers not with Me scatters.’ (Luke 11:23)”

-        St. Serpahim of Sarov

Bulletin for Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday after the Nativity of Christ

Tone 2 and Eothinon 5

Joseph the Betrothed, David the Prophet and King, and James the Brother of the Lord

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 2

 When thou, O immortal Life, didst humble thyself unto death, then didst thou destroy death by the brightness of thy Godhead; and when thou didst raise the bowels of the earth, then all the heavenly powers exclaimed, O Christ, thou art the Giver of life!  Glory to thee, O our God!

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of Christ – Tone 4

 Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath given rise to the light of knowledge in the world; for they that worshipped the stars did learn therefrom to worship thee, O Sun of justice, and to know that from the east of the Highest thou didst come.  O Lord, glory to thee.

 Apolytikion of the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ – Tone 2

 Proclaim, O Joseph, to David, the grandparent of God, the amazing wonders; for thou hast seen a Virgin great with child; for with the shepherds thou didst give glory, with the Magi thou didst worship, and by the angel it was revealed to thee.  Wherefore, plead thou with Christ God to save our souls.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Nativity of Christ – Tone 3

 Today the Virgin giveth birth to the Transcendent in essence; the earth offereth the cave to the unapproachable One; the angels with the shepherds glorify him; and the Magi with the star travel on their way; for a new child hath been born for our sakes, God before the ages.

 Epistle – II Timothy 4:5-8 (Sunday before Epiphany)

Prokeimenon.  O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.

Verse.  To you, O Lord, have I cried, O my God.

            TIMOTHY, my son, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

            For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

 Gospel – Matthew 2:13-23 (Sunday after the Nativity of Christ)

             When the wise men had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.  And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod.  This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt have I called my son.”

            Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men.

            Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:  “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more.”

            But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”  And he rose and took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel.  But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee.  And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”

 Next week’s homework:          II Timothy 4:5-8 (Sunday before Theophany)

                                                Mark 1:1-8 (Sunday before Theophany)

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.


TODAY, DECEMBER 26 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Julie Aucar, Rachel Azar, George Couri, Anne DeMaio, Mary Elkat, Shukri Farkouh, Rose Hossan, Sabry Jallad, Mitchell Rezk, Hind Saadi, Wade Sahadi, Victor S. Samara, Najeeb Sydnawey, and Ines Tahan.  Memory eternal!

 Dr. Bassam and Naziha Aldaia will offer prayers and the Holy Bread of Oblation for the health of their family and for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Kazon, Michael, Wajih, Helen, Badie, Nada, Nicola, Samiha, and Therese.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Fred Arida, Dr. Hickmet Arida, Economous Faried Farkouh, Khouria Wassila Farkouh, Anna Habib, Gabriel Hamatie, Mary Hamwi, Olga Kalaf, Robert Malouf, Madeleine Malouf, Rose Merhige, Sally Renieri, Ronald Sadaka, Melia Saydah, Edward Saydah, Edward Shoucaire, Anne Marie Smatt, Demetri Zayat, and Nazli N. Zayat.  Memory eternal!

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 HOLY BREADMarie Zarr and Gale Zarr offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of December for the good health of all the ladies and men who have assisted with past Christmas Boutiques.  Many Years!  They also commemorate all of our dearly departed ladies and men who have helped with previous Christmas Boutiques.  Memory eternal!  Additional donors are welcome for January and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Alex Araman, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Gary Gangone, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Robert Sabbagh, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 GREAT VESPERS – There will be no Great Vespers on Saturday, January 1.  We will resume the normal schedule on Saturday, January 8.

 CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS – We acknowledge the Christmas offerings of Albert Absey, Joan Bacon, Charles and Marie Bryant, Claudette Budai, Rhonda Byrnes, Hassan and Katherine Dagher, Gloria Darzi, Patricia Zraick DeLuca, Anita and John Eyd, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Laurice Ganim, John and Josette Generale, Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Ghiz, James Harris, Krassy Ivanchev, Samer and Lina Kaiami, George Khoury, Jr., Dr. Nidal and Christine Khoury, Lily Lang, George Maalouf, Corrine and  Michael Mallia, Denise McBride, George Moore, Tony Nehme, Dr. and Mrs. Amer Rafiaa, Marian Russo, Louise Sahadi, Charles and Audrey Sahadi, Robert Sahadi, George Salamy, Gary Speer, Irene Tashji, and Dr. Sam and Diane Zamaria.

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask to the maximum extent possible.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 METROPOLITAN’S VISIT – His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH will make his customary visit for the Feast of Epiphany on Wednesday, January 5.  He will preside at Festal Matins at 5:00 PM followed by the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water.  Fr. Thomas Zain and the faithful of St. Nicholas Cathedral will close their church that day and come to St. Mary’s to celebrate the feast together.  We will then begin blessing houses immediately thereafter.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 LITTLE BIT ‘O LUCK DRAWING – Many thanks to Robert Sabbagh and Deacon Farid for again organizing this year’s drawing.  The winners were:  “Marian Russo’s Granddaughters” (first prize), Nick DiMaria (second prize), and Edith Tadross O’Donnell (third prize).  Congratulations!

ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH – As Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Month closes, we encourage our faithful members to consider induction into the Order when Metropolitan JOSEPH visits for Epiphany next week.  The Order supports many ministries within the Archdiocese but has always placed particular emphasis on clergy retirement and the Antiochian Village Camp.  Please see Fr. Michael, Order Ambassadors Marian Russo and Dianna Russo Kitchen, or any member of the Order for more information.

 WINTER COAT DRIVE – The Teen SOYO Winter Coat Drive will continue through February.  Coats, scarves, gloves, blankets, and other cold weather attire are welcome.  Please place your offerings on the table in the vestibule.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – The Parish Council has set the date for the Annual Parish Meeting for Sunday, February 13.  Conditions permitting, we will hold this meeting in person.  Please submit the names of nominees for the Parish Council to Nominations Chair Dianna Russo Kitchen after securing the nominee’s consent to run.

 YEAR END GIVING – A person over age 70½ can make a gift to St. Mary’s Church from their IRA without increasing their taxable income or paying any additional tax.  These tax-free rollover gifts can be of any amount up to $100,000 and offset the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for 2021. Also, let us use our end of the year planning to include St. Mary’s Church in our estate plans.

 GIVING OPPORTUNITIES – The Pastor’s Discretionary Account welcomes contributions during the Christmas-Epiphany season to support cases of urgent need both inside and outside the parish.  Make your check payable to St. Mary’s Church earmarked “PDA.”

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


             Saturday, January 1                  No Great Vespers

            Wednesday, January 5              Metropolitan JOSEPH presides at the divine services

Festal Matins, 6 PM, followed by Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

And the Great Sanctification of Water

            Thursday, January 6                 Holy Theophany

            Saturday, January 8                  Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Monday, January 10                 Parish Council, 7:30 PM

            Sunday, February 13                Annual Parish Meeting

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “He who is always at home within his own heart is a stranger to all the pleasures of this life.  He walks in the Spirit, and so knows nothing of the lusts of the flesh.  All the wiles of the demons against such a man remain ineffective, for he makes his way under the protection of the virtues, which stand as gatekeepers keeping guard over the city of purity.”

-        St. Diadochos of Photike


Bulletin for Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday before the Nativity of Christ (The Genealogy)

Tone 1 and Eothinon 4

Martyrs Boniface and Aglais of Rome

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 1

 The stone being sealed by the Jews, and thy pure body being guarded by the soldiers, thou didst rise on the third day, O Saviour, granting life to the world.  Wherefore, the heavenly powers acclaimed thee, O Giver of life, crying, glory to thy Resurrection, O Christ!  Glory to thy kingdom!  Glory to thy gracious providence, O thou only Lover of mankind.

 Apolytikion of the Sunday before the Nativity – Tone 2

 Great are the accomplishments of faith; for the three holy youths rejoiced in the fountain of flames as though at waters of rest.  And the Prophet Daniel appeared a shepherd to the lions as though they were sheep.  Wherefore, by their pleadings, O Christ God, have mercy upon us.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Pre-Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 3

 On this day the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth to God the Word ineffably, Who was before all the ages.  Dance for joy, O earth, on hearing the gladsome tidings; with the Angels and the shepherds now glorify Him Who is willing to be gazed on as a young Child Who before the ages is God.

Epistle – Hebrews 11:9-10; 17:23, 32-40 (Sunday before the Nativity of Christ)

 Prokeimenon.  Hymn of the Three Children, Daniel 3:26-27.  Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our Fathers.

Verse.  For you are just in all you have done.

             BRETHREN, by faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.  For he looked forward to the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

            And what more shall I say?  For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets – who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, received promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.  Women received their dead by resurrection.  Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, that they might rise again to a better life.  Others suffered mocking and scourging, and even chains and imprisonment.  They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were killed with the sword; they went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, ill-treated – of whom the world was not worthy – wandering over deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

            And all these, though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had foreseen something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.

 Gospel – Matthew 1:1-25 (Sunday of the Genealogy)

 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Aram and Aram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jess the father of David the king.

And David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah, and Solomon the father of Rehoboham, and Rehoboham the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asa, and Asa the father of Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, and Joram the father of Uzziah, and Uzziah the father of Jotham, and Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the father of Hezekiah, and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh, and Manasseh the father of Amon, and Amon the father of Josiah, and Josiah the father of Jechoniah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon.

            And after the deportation to Babylon:  Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel, and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, and Azor the father of Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, and Eliud the father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.

            So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.

            Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way.  When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly.  But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”  All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (which means, God with us).  When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife, but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus.

 Next week’s homework:        Galatians 1:11-19 (Sunday after the Nativity)

                                                Matthew 2:13-23 (Sunday after the Nativity)

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, DECEMBER 19 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Evelyn L. Deschner, Albert N. Dibs, Anna Ghiz, Nora and Nicholas Hawa, George Khoury, Malvina Khouri, Nabeh Kotite, Haleem Migdalene, Zahia Migdalene, Robert A. Monier, Andrew N. Samaan, William S. Schneirla, Jr., Alfred E. Shagoury, Toufek Shagoury, Arthur Swaya, Emily Swaya, Lily Sydnawey, Mary Traboulcy, Bassem Trabulsi, George Zain, and Rose Zarr.  Memory eternal!

Gloria Darzi and Family offer Prayers of Oblation for the repose of the soul of the servant of God George Zain.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Julie Aucar, Rachel Azar, George Couri, Anne DeMaio, Mary Elkat, Shukri Farkouh, Rose Hossan, Sabry Jallad, Mitchell Rezk, Hind Saadi, Wade Sahadi, Victor S. Samara, Najeeb Sydnawey, and Ines Tahan.  Memory eternal!

 Dr. Bassam and Naziha Aldaia will offer prayers and the Holy Bread of Oblation for the health of their family and for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Kazon, Michael, Wajih, Helen, Badie, Nada, Nicola, Samiha, and Therese.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREADMarie Zarr and Gale Zarr offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of December for the good health of all the ladies and men who have assisted with past Christmas Boutiques.  Many Years!  They also commemorate all of our dearly departed ladies and men who have helped with previous Christmas Boutiques.  Memory eternal!  Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Alex Araman, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Gary Gangone, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Robert Sabbagh, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 MEMORY ETERNAL!  We are saddened to announce that Louis Savarese departed this life in hope of the Resurrection on Thursday evening following a prolonged illness.  His family will receive visitors at McLaughlin Funeral Home today from 3-7 PM, and the funeral will be tomorrow at 10 AM.

 COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – The second period of the Advent Fast is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has concluded its annual Canned Food, and the food has been distributed.  The Winter Coat Drive will continue through February.  Please place your coats, hats, scarves, gloves, mittens and blankets on the table in the vestibule.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

CHOIR CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION -- St. Mary’s Choir invites all our parish family to a brief musical offering immediately following the Divine Liturgy today.  We dedicate the program in loving memory of our beloved lifetime choir member Evelyn Shamoun.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s thank our parish members for the wonderful response to our hygiene kit drive- almost 50 received already!  We continue to request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 The Ladies of St. Mary’s would also like to thank our parish family for their wonderful support of our Christmas wreath drive and 50/50 raffle.  All 60 wreaths were donated!  We are delighted to announce that our dedicated Parish Council Chair Chris Athineos won the 50/50 raffle, and Gregory Zrake won the Lotto Tree!  Many thanks to our Chairladies Marie Zarr and Gale Zarr, Josette and John Generale, and Barbara Deeb, our treasurer, for their management of this project. Thanks also to our “Wreath Team” Marilyn and Michael Tulaney and Karen and Anthony Tadross.  Our Church is beautifully adorned! God bless us everyone!

 GIVING OPPORTUNITIES – The Pastor’s Discretionary Account welcomes contributions during the Christmas-Epiphany season to support cases of urgent need both inside and outside the parish.  Make your check payable to St. Mary’s Church earmarked “PDA.”

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


             Friday, December 24              Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, 10:00 AM

                                                            Church School Christmas Pageant

                                                            Festal Orthros, 9:30 PM

                                                            Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ, 10:30 PM

            Saturday, December 25            No services at St. Mary’s Church

            Saturday, January 1                  New Year’s Day and St. Basil the Great

            Wednesday, January 5              Metropolitan JOSEPH presides at the divine services

Festal Matins, 6 PM, Divine Liturgy for Epiphany to follow

                                                All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “One cannot love God, and his heart be warmed by the sensation of His love, if he does not first feel within his heart the fear of God.  For the power of the fear of God soothes and softens the soul, so that it can attain to a state of forceful and vibrant love for Him.”

-        St. Diadochos of Photike

Bulletin for Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday of the Forefathers (Ancestors) of Christ

Tone 8 and Eothinon 3

Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, the Wonderworker

 Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 8

 O Compassionate One, thou didst descend from the heights; thou didst submit to the three-day burial, that thou mightest deliver us from passion.  Thou art our Life and our Resurrection, O Lord, glory to thee.

 Apolytikion of the Forefathers – Tone 2

 Thou hast justified by faith the ancient forefathers and through them thou hast gone before and betrothed unto thyself the Church of the Gentiles.  Let the saints, therefore, take pride in glory; for from their seed sprouted forth a noble fruit, and she it was who gave birth to thee without seed.  Wherefore, by their pleadings, O Christ God, save our souls.

 Apolytikion of St. Spyridon the Wonderworker – Tone 1

 Thou didst appear as a contender for the first council and a wonder-worker, O our Father, God-mantled Spyridon.  Therefore, thou didst converse with the dead woman in the tomb and didst convert a serpent into gold.  And at thy chanting of thy holy prayers the angels did accompany thee in the service.  O most pure one, glory be to him who glorified thee; glory be to him who crowned thee; glory be to him who worketh healing for all through thee.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

Kontakion of the Pre-Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 3

 On this day the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth to God the Word ineffably, Who was before all the ages.  Dance for joy, O earth, on hearing the gladsome tidings; with the Angels and the shepherds now glorify Him Who is willing to be gazed on as a young Child Who before the ages is God.

 Epistle – Ephesians 5:8-19 (St. Spyridon the Wonder-Worker, Bishop of Trimythous)

Prokeimenon.  Psalm 149.5, 1.  The saints will rejoice in glory.

Verse.  Sing to the Lord a new son.

             BRETHREN, walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.  Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.  For it is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret; but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light.  Therefore it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”

            Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  And do not get drink with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart.

 Gospel – Luke 14-16-24 (Sunday of the Forefathers)

THE LORD SPOKE THIS PARABLE:  “A man once gave a great banquet, and invited many; and at the time for the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, ‘Come, for all is now ready.’  But, one by one, they all began to make excuses.  The first said to him, ‘I have bought a field, and I must go out and see it; I pray you, have me excused.’  And another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to examine them; I pray you, have me excused.’  And another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’  So the servant came and reported this to his master.  Then the householder in anger said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and maimed and blind and lame.’  And the servant said, ‘Sir, what you commanded has been done, and still there is room.’  And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.  For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet.  For many are called, but few are chosen.”

 Next week’s homework:          Hebrews 11:9-10, 32-40 (Sunday before the Nativity)

                                                Matthew 1:1-25 (Sunday before the Nativity – Genealogy)

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, DECEMBER 12 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Bertha Abouchar, Josephine Awad, Alexander E. Deeb, Kazan El-Hajj, Jean Fadool, Charles Farkouh, Richard Farkouh, Hafina Haddad, Gloria Hawaweeny, James Jobe, Najla Khoury, Nabeeha Klam, Charles Macrina, Edward Mannessa, Edward Mamary, Elizabeth Nader, Michael Takla, Edward Thabit, Zouhat Thabit, Eli Zrake, Najeeb Zrake, George Zrike, and Isabel Zrike.  Memory eternal!

 The Ellias Family offers Prayers of Oblation for the health of Kh. Laila on her birthday.  Many years!

 The Deeb Family offers Prayers of Oblation for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Laurice and Alex Deeb.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Evelyn L. Deschner, Albert N. Dibs, Anna Ghiz, Nora and Nicholas Hawa, George Khoury, Malvina Khouri, Nabeh Kotite, Haleem Migdalene, Zahia Migdalene, Robert A. Monier, Andrew N. Samaan, William S. Schneirla, Jr., Alfred E. Shaoury, Toufek Shagoury, Arthur Swaya, Emily Swaya, Lily Sydnawey, Mary Traboulcy, Bassem Trabulsi, George Zain, and Rose Zarr.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREADMarie Zarr and Gale Zarr offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of December for the good health of all the ladies and men who have assisted with past Christmas Boutiques.  Many Years!  They also commemorate all of our dearly departed ladies and men who have helped with previous Christmas Boutiques.  Memory eternal!  Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.

FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Alex Araman, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Gary Gangone, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Robert Sabbagh, Louis Savarese, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 MEMORY ETERNAL!  We are deeply saddened to announce that the handmaiden of God Evelyn Shamoun departed this life in the hope of the Resurrection on Thursday morning.  Her family will receive visitors at McLaughlin Funeral Home today from 4-9 PM, and her funeral will be here at St. Mary’s tomorrow at 10 AM.  We extend our sympathies to her children, Cathy, Donna, and James, and to their entire family.  Memory eternal!

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – The traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ continues until December 25.  Until December 19 we observe the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products).  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  From December 20 through 24 we observe the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil), with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will conclude our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, December 15, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 26-28. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has placed two large boxes in the vestibule for their annual Canned Food and Winter Coat Drives.  Please bring your contributions between now and December 13.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.


            Monday, December 13              Parish Council, 7:30 PM

            Wednesday, December 15         Bible Study, 7:00 PM

            Friday, December 17                 Order of St. Ignatius Reception @ Bergenfield, 7-9 PM

            Saturday, December 18             Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Sunday, December 19               Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Sunday

            Friday, December 24                 Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, 10:00 AM

                                                            Church School Christmas Pageant

                                                            Festal Matins, 9:30 PM, Divine Liturgy, 10:30 PM

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc

Bulletin for Sunday, December 5th, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

God-Bearing Father Sabbas the Sanctified

Tone 7 and Eothinon 2

Martyr Diogenes

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 7

 Thou didst shatter death by thy Cross.  Thou didst open paradise to the thief.  Thou didst turn the mourning of the ointment-bearing women into joy, and didst bid thine Apostles proclaim a warning that thou hast risen, O Christ, granting to the world thy Great Mercy.

 Apolytikion of St. Saba – Tone 8

 The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundredfold.  Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles.  Therefore, O righteous Father Saba, intercede with Christ God to save our souls.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Pre-Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 3

 On this day the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth to God the Word ineffably, Who was before all the ages.  Dance for joy, O earth, on hearing the gladsome tidings; with the Angels and the shepherds now glorify Him Who is willing to be gazed on as a young Child Who before the ages is God.

Epistle – Galatians 5:22-6:2 (St. Sabbas)

 Prokeimenon.  Psalm 149.5, 1.  The saints shall rejoice in glory.

Verse.  Sing to the Lord a new song.

             BRETHREN, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law.  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

            If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.  Let us have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another.

            Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.  Look to yourself, lest you too be tempted.  Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

 Gospel – Luke 13:10-17 (Tenth Sunday of Luke)        

 AT THAT TIME, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath.  And there was a woman who had had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years; she was bent over and could not fully straighten herself.  And when Jesus saw her, he called her and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your infirmity.”  And he laid his hands upon her, and immediately she was made straight, and she praised God.  But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the sabbath, said to the people, “There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be healed and not on the sabbath day.”  Then the Lord answered him, “You hypocrite!  Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his ass from the manger, and lead it away to water it?  And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?”  As Jesus said this, all his adversaries were put to shame; and all the people rejoiced at all the glorious things that were done by him.

 Next week’s homework:          Ephesians 5:8-19 (Spyridon the Wonderworker)

                                                Luke 14:16-24 (Forefathers of Christ)

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – On November 15 we began the traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25.  The Fast is divided into two periods.  The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products) is observed.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  Some Orthodox eat fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays.  The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, DECEMBER 5 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Albert Assatly, George Ayoub, George Ellien, Nellie Ellien, Helen Figuccio, Maria Hajjar, Jamiel Howie, Very Rev. Abdallah Khoury, Fred Khoury, Laura Makhoul, Faris Razook, Josephine Razook, Nicholas Sabah, Nancy Schmitt, Edith B. Shagoury, Mary Shahin, Mike Simon, Adele Sullivan, Maryann Trabulsi, and Sarah Zarouni.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Bertha Abouchar, Josephine Awad, Alexander E Deeb, Kazan El-Hajj, Jean Fadool, Charles Farkouh, Richard Farkouh, Hafina Haddad, Gloria Hawaweeny, James Jobe, Najla Khoury, Nabeeha Klam, Edward Mannessa, Edward Mamary, Elizabeth Nader, Michael Takla, Edward Thabit, Zouhat Thabit, Eli Zrake, Najeeb Zrake, George Zrike and Isabel Zrike.  Memory eternal!

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 HOLY BREADMarie Zarr and Gale Zarr offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of December for the good health of all the ladies and men who have assisted with past Christmas Boutiques.  Many Years!  They also commemorate all of our dearly departed ladies and men who have helped with previous Christmas Boutiques.  Memory eternal!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!   Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 ST. MARY’S CHOIR - St. Mary’s Choir is happy to offer a short program of Christmas music immediately following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 19, 2021.  We hope all parishioners will attend as we celebrate the joy of our Lord’s Nativity.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our brethren in your intercessions:  Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Gary Gangone (NYU Lutheran), Evelyn Shamoun (NYU Lutheran), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Alex Araman, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Hank Murad, Alfred Nahas, Robert Sabbagh, Louis Savarese, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, November 10, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 23-25. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has placed two large boxes in the vestibule for their annual Canned Food and Winter Coat Drives.  Please bring your contributions between now and December 13.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.


         Wednesday, December 8          Bible Study, 7:00 PM

Saturday, December 11            Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

Friday, December 17                Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch Reception in Bergenfield, NJ

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “When a person receives something divine, in his heart he rejoices; but when he receives something diabolic, he is disturbed.  The Christian heart, when it has received something divine, does not demand anything else in order to convince it that this is precisely from the Lord; but by that very effect it is convinced that this is heavenly, for it senses within itself spiritual fruits:  love, joy, peace, and the rest.”

-        St. Serphim of Sarov

Bulletin for Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 6 and Eothinon 1

Venerable-Martyr Stephen the New

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 6

 When Mary stood at thy grave looking for thy sacred body, angelic powers shone above thy revered tomb, and the soldiers who were to keep guard became as dead men.  Thou led hades captive and wast not tempted thereby.  Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world; O thou that art risen from the dead!  O Lord, glory to thee.

 Apolytikion of Stephen the New – Tone 4

 Trained on the mountain in ascetical labors, with the whole armor of the Cross thou didst vanquish the spiritual arrays of unseen enemies; and when thou hadst stripped thyself with great courage for contest, thou didst slay Copronymus with the sword of the true faith.  For both these things has thou been crowned by God, O righteous Martyr, blessed Stephen of great renown.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Pre-Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 3

 On this day the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth to God the Word ineffably, Who was before all the ages.  Dance for joy, O earth, on hearing the gladsome tidings; with the Angels and the shepherds now glorify Him Who is willing to be gazed on as a young Child Who before the ages is God.

Epistle – Ephesians 2:4-10 (Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost)

Prokeimenon.  Psalm 27.9, 1.  O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.

Verse.  To you, O Lord, have I cried, O my God.

             BRETHREN, God who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God – not because of works, lest any man should boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Gospel – Luke 18:18-27 (Thirteenth Sunday of Luke)

             AT THAT TIME, a man came testing Jesus and asking, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”  And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good?  No one is good but God alone.  You know the commandments:  ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’”  And the man said, “All these I have observed from my youth.”  And when Jesus heard it, he said to him, “One thing you still lack.  Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  But when the man heard this he became sad, for he was very rich.  Jesus, seeing him sad, said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!  For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

            Those who heard it said, “Then who can be saved?”  But Jesus said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

 Next week’s homework:          Galatians 5:22-6:2 (Sabbas the Sanctified)

                                                Luke 13:10-17 (Tenth Sunday of Luke))

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – On November 15 we began the traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25.  The Fast is divided into two periods.  The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products) is observed.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  Some Orthodox eat fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays.  The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, NOVEMBER 28 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Joseph Davis, Rasheed Hajjar, Albert Hanna, Eva Jobe, Sylvia Khouri, Jasmine Lattof, Tewfik Lewis, Pauline Maloof, Albert Massab, Lian Massab, Rose Nahmee, Herta Schroers, Felipe Trabolsi, and Virginia Zarr.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Albert Assatly, George Ayoub, George Ellien, Nellie Ellien, Helen Figuccio, Maria Hajjar, Jamiel Howie, Very Rev. Abdallah Khoury, Fred Khoury, Laura Makhoul, Faris Razook, Josephine Razook, Nicholas Sabah, Nancy Schmitt, Edith B. Shagoury, Mary Shahin, Mike Simon, Adele Sullivan, Maryann Trabulsi, Sarah Zarouni, Isabel Zrake, and George Zrike.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREAD – The Khouzami Family offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Nouhad Khouzami.  Memory eternal!  James Harris also offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Samir Saleeby.  Memory eternal!   Marie Zarr and Gale Zarr also offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of our dearly departed family members George Zarr, Rose Zarr, Gregory Zarr, Gail Hall Zarr, Dolores Marinacci and Nazeer Almumen.  Memory Eternal!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!   Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Robert Sabbagh (Clove Lakes), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Louis Savarese, Evelyn Shamoun, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 SAINTS NICHOLAS AND BARBARA DAY – The Church School will host its annual Saints Nicholas and Barbara Day next Sunday, December 5, following the Divine Liturgy.  The students will report to their classes following their reception of Holy Communion, and their teachers will bring them back into the church after the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy.  All children are welcome to participate.  Please see the flyer in this bulletin for more information, or contact Church School Director Lorraine Deeb.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, December 1, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 20-22. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has placed two large boxes in the vestibule for their annual Canned Food and Winter Coat Drives.  Please bring your contributions between now and December 13.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


            Wednesday, December 1          Bible Study, 7:00 PM

Saturday, December 4              Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Sunday, December 5                Church School Saints Nicholas and Barbara Day

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “In order to receive and observe in the heart the light of Christ, we must distract ourselves as much as possible from visible objects.  Having first purified the soul by repentance and good works, and with faith in the Crucified having closed the bodily eyes, immerse the mind within the heart and there call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Then, by the measure of his zeal and warmth of spirit towards the beloved, man finds in the summoned name a sweetness which prompts in him a will to seek the highest enlightenment.”

-        St. Seraphim of Sarov

Bulletin for Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos

Tone 5 and Eothinon 11

 Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 5

 Let us believers praise and worship the Word, co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation.  For he took pleasure in ascending the cross in the flesh to suffer death, and to raise the dead by his glorious resurrection.

 Apolytikion of the Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple – Tone 4

 Today the Virgin is the foreshadowing of the pleasure of God, and the beginning of the preaching of the salvation of mankind.  Thou hast appeared in the Temple of God openly and hast gone before, preaching Christ to all.  Let us shout with one thrilling voice, saying, Rejoice, O thou who art the fulfillment of the Creator’s dispensation.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple – Tone 4

 The all-pure temple of the Saviour, the most precious bridal-chamber and Virgin, the treasure-house of the glory of God, today entered the Temple of the Lord, bringing with her the grace which is in the divine Spirit:  whom also the angels of God do celebrate in song; for she is the heavenly tabernacle.

Epistle – Hebrews 9:1-7 (Presentation of the Theotokos)

 Prokeimenon.  Luke 1.46, 48.  My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

Verse.  For he has regarded the humility of his servant.

             BRETHREN, the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary.  For a tent was prepared, the outer one, in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the presence; it is called the Holy Place.  Behind the second curtain stood a tent called the Holy of Holies, having the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, which contained a golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat.  Of these things we cannot now speak in detail.

            These preparations having thus been made, the priests go continually into the outer tent, performing their ritual duties; but into the second only the high priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking blood which he offers for himself and for the errors of the people.

 Gospel – Luke 10:30-42 and 11:27-28 (Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple)

            AT THAT TIME, Jesus entered a village; and a woman named Martha received him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to his teaching.  But Martha was distracted with much serving; and she went to Jesus and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?  Tell her then to help me.”  But Jesus answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful.  Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.”

As Jesus said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!”  But Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

 Next week’s homework:          Ephesians 2:4-10 (Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost)

                                                Luke 18:18-27 (Thirteenth Sunday of Luke))

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 UPDATED COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, NOVEMBER 21 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of Basil Kazan, Paul Dib, Albert Ganim, Diab Hattoum, Eva Jobe, Antonia Khoury, Zakia Tannous Khoury, Theresa Kirshy, Mary Monier, Pauline Nehme, Elias Rahhal, Edward Sarkis, Melkon Sayegh, Freda Sayegh, Gladys Schroeder, and Souhaila Jada Sciacchitano.  Memory eternal!

 Marie and Charlie Bryant offer Prayers of Oblation for the repose of the soul of the handmaiden of God of Zakia Tannous Khoury.  Memory eternal!

 The Family of the handmaiden of God Gladys Schroeder offers Prayers of Oblation and a One-Year Memorial for the repose of her soul.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Joseph Davis, Rasheed Hajjar, Albert Hanna, Eva Jobe, Sylvia Khouri, Jasmine Lattof, Tewfik Lewis, Pauline Maloof, Albert Massab, Lian Massab, Rose Nahmee, Herta Schroers, Felipe Trabolsi, and Virginia Zarr.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREAD – The Khouzami Family offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Nouhad Khouzami.  Memory eternal!  James Harris also offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Samir Saleeby.  Memory eternal!   Marie Zarr and Gale Zarr also offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of our dearly departed family members George Zarr, Rose Zarr, Gregory Zarr, Gail Hall Zarr, Dolores Marinacci and Nazeer Almumen.  Memory Eternal!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!   Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours today only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Robert Sabbagh (Clove Lakes), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Louis Savarese, Evelyn Shamoun, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 MEMORY ETERNAL!  The handmaiden of God Clair Banat departed this life on Monday in the hope of the Resurrection.  Her funeral was on Friday.  We extend our sympathies to her sons George and Steven as well as to the Sabbagh Family.  Memory eternal!

 IOCC SUNDAY – Our November pledge envelopes included a yellow envelope for “International Orthodox Christian Charities” dated November 21.  We annually receive this collection on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  Our faithful can either drop their envelope in the collection tray or return it to the church office.  If you are not receiving pledge envelopes, please inform the church office so that we can add you to our list of supporters.  Thank you for your support of IOCC.

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – On November 15 we began the traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25.  The Fast is divided into two periods.  The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products) is observed.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  Some Orthodox eat fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays.  The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, December 1, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 20-22.  Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has placed two large boxes in the vestibule for their annual Canned Food and Winter Coat Drives.  Please bring your contributions between now and December 13.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.

PLEDGE REMINDER – As we approach the end of the calendar year we remind our faithful to complete their remaining pledge commitments and to consider prayerfully their commitment for the year ahead.  Thank you.


 Annual Appeal – began November 9. This yearly fundraiser helps sustain our ministry throughout the year. We are thankful to announce that a generous donor has agreed to match all donations during this campaign up to $100,000, whether one-time gifts or monthly gifts, to help us sustain our ministry!

 Winter Family Camp – January 14-17, 2022.  Fr. Paul and Kh. Kristina Abernathy will speak on the topic, “Family: Our First Ministry”.  Together they run the Neighborhood Resilience Project in Pittsburgh where they provide support to those in need in the Hill District.

 Summer Family Camp – May 27-30, 2022.  Fr. John Salem of St. Elijah Church in Oklahoma City, OK, will be our speaker.  Registration will open in January.

 Arch Weeks – Summer 2022.  This brand new program is for anyone who graduates in 2022, and serves to “bridge the gap” to life after high school.  More information will follow and registration opens on January 8!

 Help Needed - We are searching for nurses who are interested in working at Antiochian Village Camp for Summer 2022.  If you or anyone that you know is interested in a seasonal nursing position, please email Fr. Chris Shadid at frchris@avcamp.org, or call the camp office at 724-238-9565.

 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION RESOURCES – For those parents, grandparents, and godparents who are looking for additional resources to continue their children’s Christian education in the absence of Church School, we would highly recommend materials from Potamitis Publishing – Orthodox Children’s Books.  These full color publications explore the basics of the faith as well as the lives of ancient and modern saints in an approachable and readable manner.  Visit their website at www.potamitis.us.  These books would make excellent Christmas presents.


             Wednesday, November 24         No Bible Study

             Saturday, November 27             Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Wednesday, December 1          Bible Study, 7:00 PM

            Sunday, December 5                 Church School Saints Nicholas and Barbara Day

                                     All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

            FROM THE FATHERS – “A man should know that a devil’s sickness is on him if he is seized by the urge in conversation to assert his opinion, however correct it may be.  If he behaves this way while talking to his equals, then a rebuke from his elders may heal him.  But if he carries on in this way with those who are greater and wiser than he, his sickness cannot be cured by human means.”

-        St. John Climacus

Bulletin for Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Holy Apostle Philip

Tone 4 and Eothinon 10

Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 4

 Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel, the women disciples of the Lord cast from them their parental condemnation, and proudly broke the news to the disciples, saying, Death hath been spoiled.  Christ God is risen, granting the world great mercy.

 Apolytikion of the Holy Apostle Philip – Tone 3

 O Holy Apostle Philip, intercede with our merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple – Tone 4

 The all-pure temple of the Saviour, the most precious bridal-chamber and Virgin, the treasure-house of the glory of God, today entered the Temple of the Lord, bringing with her the grace which is in the divine Spirit:  whom also the angels of God do celebrate in song; for she is the heavenly tabernacle.

 Epistle – I Corinthians 4:9-16 (Holy Apostle Philip)

 Prokeimenon.  Psalm 18.4, 1.  Their voice has gone out into all the earth.

Verse.  The heavens declare the glory of God.

             BRETHREN, God has exhibited us apostles as last of all, like men sentenced to death; because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men.  We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ.  We are weak, but you are strong.  You are held in honor, but we in disrepute.  To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are ill-clad and buffeted and homeless, and we labor, working with our own hands.  When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become, and are now, as the refuse of the world, the offscouring of all things.

            I do not write this to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children.  For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers.  For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.  I urge you, then, be imitators of me.

Gospel – Luke 10:25-37 (Eighth Sunday of Luke)

 AT THAT TIME, a lawyer stood up to put Jesus to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”  Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law?  How do you read?”  And the lawyer answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”  And Jesus said to him, “You have answered right; do this, and you will live.”

            But the lawyer, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”  Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead.  Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.  So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.  But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, “Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’  Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”  The lawyer said, “The one who showed mercy on him.”  And Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

 Next week’s homework:          Hebrews 9:1-7 (Entrance of the Theotokos)

                                                Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28 (Entrance of the Theotokos)

POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, NOVEMBER 14 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Eva Abdalla, Antanius N. Arida, Fred Brahamsha, Louise Dibbs, Sahab Dibbs, Edward Richard Eadeh, Alice Elkas, Richard H. Habeeb, George R. Haddad, Henry Haddad, Jr., Paul David Khoury, John G. Klele, Sophie Kotite, John A. Livreri, George Malouf, Aziz Malika, Louis Orfaly, Dorothy Dillon Page, Gabriella R. Sadaka, Fuad Salamy, Adele Sarkees, George Shamyer, Moufid Taweel, and John Trabulsi.  Memory eternal!

 Prayers of Oblation and the Holy Bread are offered for the speedy and full recovery of Dr. Paul Maravel. Many years!

 The Antiochian Village Camp Alumni will offer Prayers of Oblation and a 20-Year Memorial for the repose of the soul of the camp’s first director, Rt. Rev. Fr. John Namie, A Coffee Hour in her memory will follow the Divine Liturgy.  Memory eternal!

 Theodore Sadaka offers Prayers of Oblation, the Holy Bread, and a 20-Year Memorial for the repose of the soul of his dearly departed wife Gabriella R. Sadaka.  A Coffee Hour in her memory will follow the Divine Liturgy.  Memory eternal!

 NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Basil Kazan, Paul Dib, Albert Ganim, Diab Hattoum, Eva Jobe, Antonia Khoury, Zakia Tannous Khoury, Theresa Kirshy, Mary Monier, Pauline Nehme, Elias Rahhal, Edward Sarkis, Melkon Sayegh, Freda Sayegh, Gladys Schroeder, and Souhaila Jada Sciacchitano.  Memory eternal!

 The Family of the handmaiden of God Gladys Mouracade Schroeder will offer Prayers of Oblation and a One-Year Memorial for the repose of her soul.  Memory eternal!

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Please see Sh. Aline Farkouh to sign up to help with the preparation and cleanup of Coffee Hour.

COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Clair Banat (Norwegian), Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Gabe Golam, Lily Lang, Alfred Nahas, Louis Savarese, Evelyn Shamoun, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 HOLY BREAD – The Khouzami Family offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Nouhad Khouzami.  Memory eternal!  James Harris also offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Samir Saleeby.  Memory eternal!   Marie Zarr and Gale Zarr also offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of our dearly departed family members George Zarr, Rose Zarr, Gregory Zarr, Gail Hall Zarr, Dolores Marinacci and Nazeer Almumen.  Memory Eternal!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!   Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 IOCC SUNDAY – Our November pledge envelopes included a yellow envelope for “International Orthodox Christian Charities” dated November 21.  We annually receive this collection on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  Our faithful can either drop their envelope in the collection tray on Sundays or return it to the church office.  If you are not receiving pledge envelopes, please inform the church office so that we can add you to our list of supporters.  Thank you for your support of IOCC.

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – On November 15 we begin the traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25.  The Fast is divided into two periods.  The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products) is observed.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  Some Orthodox eat fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays.  The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S - The Ladies of St. Mary’s invite all our parishioners (men too!) to participate in our humanitarian project this year.  We once again request the preparation of hygiene kits to be distributed to the homeless during the Midnight Run each month.  In a one gallon ZipLock bag please include:  1 washcloth, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clipper, comb, 3 band-aids, disposable razor (optional).  Feel free to prepare more than one kit!  The kits can be given to Sandra Arida or any one of the Ladies.  Thank you all for your support.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, November 10, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 17-19. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 CANNED FOOD AND WINTER COAT DRIVES – Teen SOYO has placed two large boxes in the vestibule for their annual Canned Food and Winter Coat Drives.  Please bring your contributions between now and December 13.  We will distribute all items to local charities and recipients.

 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION RESOURCES – For those parents, grandparents, and godparents who are looking for additional resources to continue their children’s Christian education in the absence of Church School, we would highly recommend materials from Potamitis Publishing – Orthodox Children’s Books.  These full color publications explore the basics of the faith as well as the lives of ancient and modern saints in an approachable and readable manner.  Visit their website at www.potamitis.us.  These books would make excellent Christmas presents.


 Annual Appeal – began November 9. This yearly fundraiser helps sustain our ministry throughout the year. We are thankful to announce that a generous donor has agreed to match all donations during this campaign up to $100,000, whether one-time gifts or monthly gifts, to help us sustain our ministry!

 Winter Family Camp – January 14-17, 2022.  Fr. Paul and Kh. Kristina Abernathy will speak on the topic, “Family: Our First Ministry”.  Together they run the Neighborhood Resilience Project in Pittsburgh where they provide support to those in need in the Hill District.

 Summer Family Camp – May 27-30, 2022.  Fr. John Salem of St. Elijah Church in Oklahoma City, OK, will be our speaker.  Registration will open in January.

 Arch Weeks – Summer 2022.  This brand new program is for anyone who graduates in 2022, and serves to “bridge the gap” to life after high school.  More information will follow and registration opens on January 8!

 Help Needed - We are searching for nurses who are interested in working at Antiochian Village Camp for Summer 2022.  If you or anyone that you know is interested in a seasonal nursing position, please email Fr. Chris Shadid at frchris@avcamp.org, or call the camp office at 724-238-9565.


             Wednesday, November 17         Bible Study, 7:00 PM

            Saturday, November 20             Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Sunday, November 21               Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

            Thursday, November 25            Thanksgiving

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

  FROM THE FATHERS – “Make sure that you do not limit your prayer merely to a particular part of the day.  Turn to prayer at any time.”

-        St. John Chrysostom

Bulletin for Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 3 and Eothinon 9

Venerable Lazarus the Wonderworker of Magnesia

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 3

 Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad; for the Lord hath done a mighty act with his own arm.  He hath trampled down death and become the First-born from the dead.  He hath delivered us from the depth of hades, granting the world the Great Mercy.

 Apolytikion of St. Lazarus of Magnesia – Tone 8

 In thy vigilant prayers, thou didst drench thy pillar with streams of tears; by thy sighs from the depths, thou didst bear fruit a hundredfold in labors; and thou became a shepherd, granting forgiveness to them that came to thee, O our righteous Father Lazarus.  Intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Theotokos – Tone 2

 O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the mediatrix unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners.  Come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, with assistance; for thou art good.  Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honour thee.

Epistle – Galatians 1:11-19 (Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost)

 Prokeimenon.  Psalm 46.6, 1.  Sing praises to our God, sing praises.

Verse.  Clap your hands, all you nations.

             BRETHREN, I would have you know that the gospel which was preached by me is not man’s gospel.  For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.  For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it; and I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.  But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus.

            Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and remained with him fifteen days.  But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord’s brother.

 Gospel – Luke 8:41-56 (Seventh Sunday of Luke)

             AT THAT TIME, there came to Jesus a man named Jairus, who was a ruler of the synagogue; and falling at Jesus’ feet, he besought him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying.

            As Jesus went, the people pressed round him.  And a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had spent all her living upon physicians, and could not be healed by any one, came up behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment; and immediately her flow of blood ceased.  And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?”  When all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the multitudes surround you and press upon you, and you say, ‘Who touched me?’”  But Jesus said, “Some one touched me; for I perceive that power has gone forth from me.”  And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed.  And Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

            While Jesus was speaking, a man from the ruler’s house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.”  But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she shall be well.”  And when Jesus came to the house, he permitted no one to enter with him, except Peter and James and John, and the father and mother of the child.  And all were weeping and bewailing her; but Jesus said, “Do not weep; for she is not dead but sleeping.”  And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But taking her by the hand Jesus called, saying, “Child, arise.”  And her spirit returned, and she got up at once; and Jesus directed that something should be given her to eat.  And her parents were amazed; but he charged them to tell no one what had happened.

 Next week’s homework:          I Corinthians 4:9-16 (Philip the Apostle)

                                                Luke 10:25-37 (Eighth Sunday of Luke)


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.

 We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

TODAY, NOVEMBER 7 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Dr. John L. Boojamra, Linda Cassatly, Leila Dahdouh, Stanley Fadel, Charlene Alekel Goldrick, Rashida Marie Haddad, Victoria Khouri, Dorothy Madey, George Massabni, Nora K. Nahas, Nicholas Sahadi, Charles Salloum, Victor Smatt, Alex Zahka, and Gregory Zarr.  Memory eternal!

 Dn. Farid Farkouh offers Prayers of Oblation for the long life and good health of the children of God Elias, Andre, and Charbel Aldawalibi as well as for their parents and godparents.  Many years!

  NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Eva Abdalla, Antanius N. Arida, Fred Brahamsha, Louise Dibbs, Sahab Dibbs, Edward Richard Eadeh, Alice Elkas, Richard H. Habeeb, George R. Haddad, Henry Haddad, Jr., Paul David Khoury, John G. Klele, Sophie Kotite, John A. Livreri, George Malouf, Aziz Malika, Louis Orfaly, Dorothy Dillon Page, Gabriella R. Sadaka, Fuad Salamy, Adele Sarkees, George Shamyer, Moufid Taweel, and John Trabulsi.  Memory eternal!

 The Antiochian Village Camp Alumni will offer Prayers of Oblation and a 20-Year Memorial for the repose of the soul of the camp’s first director, Rt. Rev. Fr. John Namie, Memory eternal!

 Theodore Sadaka will offer Prayers of Oblation, the Holy Bread, and a 20-Year Memorial for the repose of the soul of his dearly departed wife Gabrielle R. Sadaka.  A Coffee Hour in her memory will follow the Divine Liturgy.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREAD – The Khouzami Family offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Nouhad Khouzami.  Memory eternal!  James Harris also offers the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of Samir Saleeby.  Memory eternal!   Marie Zarr and Gale Zarr also offer the Holy Bread of Oblation for the month of November in loving memory of our dearly departed family members George Zarr, Rose Zarr, Gregory Zarr, Gail Hall Zarr, Dolores Marinacci and Nazeer Almumen.  Memory Eternal!  Linda and George Salamy have also made a donation for the entire year.  Many years!   Additional donors are welcome for December and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Clair Banat (Norwegian), Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Alfred Nahas, Louis Savarese, Evelyn Shamoun, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 COFFEE HOUR – We have resumed indoor Coffee Hours only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, November 3, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 14-16. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 UPDATED COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 IOCC SUNDAY – Our November pledge envelopes included a yellow envelope for “International Orthodox Christian Charities” dated November 21.  We annually receive this collection on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  Our faithful can either drop their envelope in the collection tray on Sundays or return it to the church office.  If you are not receiving pledge envelopes, please inform the church office so that we can add you to our list of supporters.  Thank you for your support of IOCC.

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 CARE FOR CREATION - What is important when it comes to caring for God's creation and protecting it from further damage at the hands of the human species?  International conferences such as COP-26? Legislation to address climate change issues?  Caring for our neighborhood parks and gardens?  Reducing our own individual needless consumption?  The answer: all of the above!  “Sometimes people think they have to do big things in order to make change. But if each one of us would light a candle we’d have tremendous light.” - Sister Thea Bowman

 LADIES OF ST. MARY’S – The Ladies of St. Mary’s have sent out the raffle tickets for their annual 50/50 drawing as well as a form to order a wreath to hang on the church’s fence.  If you have not received this mailing, please contact Sandra Arida, or call the church office.

PARISH COUNCIL – The Parish Council will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow at 7:30 PM.

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – On November 15 we will begin the traditional 40-day Advent Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25.  The Fast is divided into two periods.  The first period is November 15 through December 19 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine, oil and their by-products) is observed.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays during this time, wine and oil are permitted.  On Saturdays and Sundays during this time, fish, wine and oil are permitted.  Some Orthodox eat fish on all days except Wednesdays and Fridays.  The second period is December 20 through 24 when the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, wine and oil) is observed, with wine and oil permitted on Saturday and Sunday.  From December 25 through January 4, there is no fasting.


 Annual Appeal – begins November 9. This yearly fundraiser helps sustain our ministry throughout the year. We are thankful to announce that a generous donor has agreed to match all donations during this campaign up to $100,000, whether one-time gifts or monthly gifts, to help us sustain our ministry!

 Winter Family Camp – January 14-17, 2022.  Fr. Paul and Kh. Kristina Abernathy will speak on the topic, “Family: Our First Ministry”.  Together they run the Neighborhood Resilience Project in Pittsburgh where they provide support to those in need in the Hill District.

 Summer Family Camp – May 27-30, 2022.  Fr. John Salem of St. Elijah Church in Oklahoma City, OK, will be our speaker.  Registration will open in January.

 Arch Weeks – Summer 2022.  This brand new program is for anyone who graduates in 2022, and serves to “bridge the gap” to life after high school.  More information will follow and registration opens on January 8!

 Help Needed - We are searching for nurses who are interested in working at Antiochian Village Camp for Summer 2022.  If you or anyone that you know is interested in a seasonal nursing position, please email Fr. Chris Shadid at frchris@avcamp.org, or call the camp office at 724-238-9565.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


             Monday, November 8                Parish Council, 7:30 PM

Wednesday, November 10         Bible Study, 7:00 PM

            Saturday, November 13             Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Monday, November 15             Advent Begins

                                    All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

FROM THE FATHERS – “Our own will is like a wall of brass between us and God, preventing us from coming near to Him or contemplating His mercy.”

-        St. Poemen the Great

Bulletin for Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 2 and Eothinon 8

Apostles Stachys, Apelles, Amplias, Urban, Aristobulus and Narcissus of the Seventy

We are pleased to welcome you to worship with us today.  Please note that only Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent confession may approach to receive Holy Communion.  Everyone is welcome to reverence the cross and to partake of the blessed bread at the dismissal.  Please introduce yourself to our pastor, and ask him about membership in the Orthodox Church.

Today’s Hymns and Readings

Apolytikion of the Resurrection – Tone 2

 When thou, O immortal Life, didst humble thyself unto death, then didst thou destroy death by the brightness of thy Godhead; and when thou didst raise the bowels of the earth, then all the heavenly powers exclaimed, O Christ, thou art the Giver of life!  Glory to thee, O our God!

 Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

 Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe.  For from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

 Kontakion of the Theotokos – Tone 2

 O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the mediatrix unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners.  Come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, with assistance; for thou art good.  Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honour thee.

Epistle – II Corinthians 11:31-12:9 (Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

 Prokeimenon.  Psalm 117.14, 18.  The Lord is my strength and my song.

Verse.  The Lord has chastened me sorely.

             BRETHREN, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I do not lie.  At Damascus, the governor under King Aretas guarded the city of Damascus in order to seize me, but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and escaped his hands.

            I must boast; there is nothing to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.  I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows.  And I know that this man was caught up into Paradise – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows – and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter.  On behalf of this man I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses.  Though if I wish to boast, I shall not be a fool, but I shall be speaking the truth.  But I refrain from it, so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me.  And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to harass me, to keep me from being too elated.  Three times I besought the Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

 Gospel – Luke 16:19-31 (Fifth Sunday of Luke)

             THE LORD SAID, “There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day.  And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table; moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores.  The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom.  The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom.  And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.’  But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish.  And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’  And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’  But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’  And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’  He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.’”

 Next week’s homework:          Galatians 1:11-19 (Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost)

                                                Luke 8:41-56 (Seventh Sunday of Luke)


 Mission Statement - The mission of St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn, NY, is to love and worship God through participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and to live and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We carry out this mission through education, outreach, fellowship, and works of mercy with love for each other, our neighbors, and our diverse world.


TODAY, OCTOBER 31 - We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Michel Al-Kirsheh, Nicholas L. Assatly, Alfred Farkouh, Henry Haddad, Fareeza Hallal, Assad Hanna, Alfred Helal, Delores, Olga, Paul, and Salem Jabara, Anthony Kinge, Evelyn Mouracade, Helweh Sayage, Josephine Tadross, Lorraine Zraick, and Mary and Richard Zraick.  Memory eternal!

 The Family of Hanna Ibraham Nehme offers Prayers of Oblation and a 40-Day Memorial for the repose of his soul.  A Coffee Hour in his memory will follow the Divine Liturgy.  Memory eternal!

  NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 – We will pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God Dr. John L. Boojamra, Linda Cassatly, Leila Dahdouh, Stanley Fadel, Charlene Alekel Goldrick, Rashida Marie Haddad, Victoria Khouri, Dorothy Madey, George Massabni, Nora K. Nahas,  Nicholas Sahadi, Charles Salloum, Victor Smatt, Alex Zahka, and Gregory Zarr.  Memory eternal!

 HOLY BREADJames Harris offers the Holy Bread of Oblation in memory of his mother, Margaret M. Harris, for the month of October.  Memory eternal!   Additional donors are welcome for November and succeeding months.  We ask for a donation of $50/week.

 POST-COMMUNION PRAYERS – As the faithful approach to reverence the cross, receive a blessing and a piece of antidoron (holy bread) at the dismissal, a reader will read the Post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.  Please greet each other quietly as we reverently hear these prayers.

 UPDATED COVID POLICY – Worshippers who have completed the vaccination process (both injections of Pfizer or Moderna, or the single Johnson and Johnson vaccine, plus two weeks) may remove their masks while seated but must replace them when moving around the church.

 COFFEE HOUR – We will resume indoor Coffee Hours today only for the fully vaccinated in accordance with NYC requirements for indoor dining.  Just as we do in church, we will ask people to wear a mask when moving around the hall but not when seated.   Servers wearing masks and gloves will distribute coffee and “grab and go snacks.”  We will ask everyone to use hand sanitizer before and after touching anything.  Unvaccinated children can eat at the table with their parents or outside, and we ask that children not run around freely.  Although these conditions are not optimal, we believe that the importance of fellowship means that we must continue to exercise caution.

 FASTING DISICIPLINE – We maintain the traditional fasting discipline on Wednesday and Friday through the November 14.  The Advent Fast begins on Monday, November 15.

 FOR THE INFIRM - Please remember our ailing brethren in your daily intercessions, especially, Clair Banat (Norwegian), Khalil Eid (Hamilton Park), Rouda Abboud, Albert Absey, Yvonne Allawh, Claudette Budai, Diana Finger, Mary Ganim, Alfred Nahas, Louis Savarese, Evelyn Shamoun, Leon Smatt, Jim Thompson (NJ), George Trisciuzzi, Dr. Samir Zamaria (MD), and Rose Zrake (at home).

 TIME CHANGE – Please remember to “fall back” one hour next Saturday night as we return to Eastern Standard Time.

 VIGIL FOR ST. RAPHAEL – St. Nicholas Cathedral will host the Vigil for St. Raphael of Brooklyn on Friday, November 5, at 6:30 PM.  The vigil will conclude with a Divine Liturgy.  If you wish to receive Holy Communion, please begin your fast after an early and light lunch.

 THEOLOGICAL OFFERING – Our October pledge envelopes included a green envelope marked “Theological Offering.”  This account is one of the three mandatory “trays” we collect each year for the Antiochian Archdiocese and supports our seminaries in North America.  Our minimum contribution as a parish is $500.  Our faithful can either drop their envelope in the collection tray on Sundays or return it to the church office.  If you are not receiving pledge envelopes, please inform the church office so that we can add you to our list of supporters.  Thank you for your generous support of our seminaries.

 BIBLE STUDY – We will continue our study of the Gospel of St. Matthew on Wednesday, November 3, at 7:00 PM, with chapters 12-13. Please bring your Orthodox Study Bible.  All are welcome!

 PLEDGE GIVING – During these extraordinary times we ask everyone to maintain their pledge giving as much as possible.  Please remember that St. Mary's Church now accepts donations online.  Just visit https://smaoc.squarespace.com/donate and pay securely by credit card, debit card, or check. There is an option to indicate gifts made in honor of or in remembrance of someone.

 PLEASE MAKE SURE all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off in church or at home.


             Wednesday, November 3          Bible Study, 7:00 PM

Saturday, November 6              Blessing of Animals, 4:00 PM

Great Vespers, 5:00 PM

            Sunday, November 7               New York City Marathon

            Monday, November 8              Parish Council, 7:30 PM

All services will be live streamed via twitch.tv/smaoc.

FROM THE FATHERS – “In the war of the flesh, only turning our back saves us – that is, we must flee from fantasies and thoughts as soon as they appear.  Do not linger at all in order to examine or to converse with fantasies!”

-        Elder Ephraim of the Holy Mountain